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Player Commands

Name Use Description
Server menu say menu / click N Opens the server menu.
Nominate menu say nomenu A menu with all maps in the server from which you can nominate maps.
Unstuck say /unstuck Unstuck yourself.
Mute players say /mute Mute annoying players.
Rock the vote say rtv Initiate map change with your vote.
Boost menu say boost Opens a menu with all information for boosting the server.
Rank say /rank Shows your rank.
RULES say /rules Player rules.
Online Admins say /admins Shows all online admins and vips.
Roundsound say /roundsound Turns off the music at end round.
RTD say rtd Roll the dice and win something cool.
GtLink say /gtlink Shows your gametracker.com link.
Napalm say /napalm Gets you a napalm grenade.
Private message say !playername message Send private message to someone.
Message Admins say @message Send a message to the admins.
bipbip say bipbip Bipbip sound effect.
Nextmap say nextmap Displays the nextmap.
Current Map say currentmap Displays the currently played map.
Thetime say thetime Displays the time.
Timeleft say timeleft Displays the time left in the map.
Top 15 say /top15 Displays the top 15 players.
Top Noobs say /noobs Displays the top noob players.
Stats say /stats or /statsme Displays other players stats or yours.
Show IP amx_showip (in console) Displays other players IP information.
Give Money say /money You can give or request money from players.

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